
Dolecir Srl
Str. San Senese 8-1
39030 La Valle (BZ)
P.I. 03089810216

Tel. 349 678 8083

Responsible for the content

Dolecir Srl


Freddy Sottara
Harald Wisthaler
IDM Südtirol–Alto Adige
Alta Badia Brand
Daniele Bassot
Patrick Steiner
Andre Schoenherr
Freddy Planinschek
Alex Moling
Federico Ravassard
Mattia Davare
Manuel Glira
Andreas Mierswa


Francesco Morandi

Design and implementation

Mediamacs, Bozen/Bolzano


All content published on has been carefully checked by the editorial team. We decline any responsibility or guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the content. The same applies to all linked websites. Dolecir Srl is not responsible for the content of linked websites. Dolecir Srl reserves the right to update, modify and integrate the content of the website.


The copyright for all images, texts and concepts lies with Dolecir Srl and the photographers involved, even if this is not expressly mentioned. Partial or partial publication is only permitted with the prior written consent of Dolecir Srl. Printing and analyzing press releases is only permitted if the source is stated. The images suggested for download may only be used for reporting purposes. The pictures must have the appropriate credits.